Points of Excellence - Geneva College-bwin体育
Points of Excellence
National Recognitions
Top 3 Best Value Award

Geneva is named a Christian College of Distinction, affirming the school's dedication to high-quality academics founded on the inerrant truth of God's word.


基督教大学在线将bwin体育排名第六  超过预期的前50名基督教bwin体育和大学 for 大大超过了bwin体育预测的毕业率.

Geneva College ranks No. 3 in Pennsylvania among colleges providing the most financial aid to their students, 《2020年最佳经济援助bwin体育报告》称.

Geneva College ranks #53 nationally among colleges providing the most financial aid to their students, 《2020年最佳经济援助bwin体育报告》称.

Military Friendly Gold Rank

bwin体育bwin体育在宾夕法尼亚州人力资源学位课程中排名第14位 Intelligent.com


Geneva is ranked #4 Most Mission Minded Christian Colleges and Universities. Geneva's Missions program is designed to equip students with the tools necessary to take the Gospel into diverse regions around the world.

Geneva College has been recognized nationally as a top 50 school 在线学习在人力资源领域的卓越表现.

bwin体育bwin体育在宾夕法尼亚州排名第25位 Intelligent.com

Since 1923

Geneva College has been accredited by the Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools since 1923.

Geneva College is ranked among the Top Regional Universities in the United States.

Geneva College has been 全国公认的前25名一致排名的学校.

With its first rate programs and recognized professional accreditation in the Business field, Geneva is named a college of distinction.

作为宾夕法尼亚大学的杰出bwin体育bwin体育大学被公认为 one of the best places in the state for students to learn, grow and succeed.

With its first rate programs and recognized professional accreditation in the Education field, Geneva is named a college of distinction.

Geneva is one of only 118 colleges in North America to qualify for membership in the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU) and is a founding member.

With its first rate programs and recognized professional accreditation in the Engineering field, Geneva is named a college of distinction.

Geneva provides quality online education and is SARA approved in 47 states.  

Excite Education lists Geneva in the top 30 colleges for traditional and adult students who are looking for a world-class education that is rooted in strong Christian beliefs and values.

bwin体育是由工程认证委员会认可的 ABET one of only 15 Council for Christian Colleges and Universities schools in the nation to provide this competitive career and academic edge to its students.

As a College of Distinction, Geneva is nationally recognized for providing outstanding preparation that is highly valued by graduate schools and employers.

College Atlas ranks Geneva College as one of the Top Christian Colleges in the United States for accessibility, affordability and academic quality.

As a College of Distinction, Geneva is nationally recognized for providing outstanding preparation that is highly valued by graduate schools and employers.

American Chemical Society Approved
ACBSP Accredited

The B.S.B.A. 和工商管理硕士课程是由国家认证的  商bwin体育和项目认证委员会(ACBSP).

Geneva, which offers a  人力资源专业学士学位 通过成人学位课程,是人力资源MBA的2015年名单 50所最实惠的小型人力资源bwin体育.


大学排名是基于以下因素的综合 可负担性、声誉和投资回报. Geneva's MSLS program ranked #26.

50多年来,bwin体育的化学系一直 经美国化学会(ACS)认可 - CCCU中仅有六所bwin体育获得此殊荣.


of Geneva graduates have jobs or are in graduate school six months after graduation.



Contemporary Music Center - Nashville

Music Business students have the opportunity to participate in the Contemporary Music Center Program in Nashville, Tennessee. There, 学生有机会获得知识渊博和忠诚的教师和客人, $1+ million in gear, a completely hands-on approach to learning, and the ability to test their mettle in one of the most intensely musical cities in the world.


In the past decade, graduates of the music department who applied to graduate programs have a 100% acceptance rate.

Geneva students taking the music content portion of the Music Education Praxis have a 95% first-time pass rate.


参加2018-19学年化学综合考试的bwin体育学生通过了考试, 与国家标准相比,得分高于平均水平.

L.A. Film Studies Center

Geneva offers a semester-long program at the Los Angeles Film Studies Center that combines seminar courses and internships in various segments of the film industry.

Geneva has a CACREP certification

The Master of Arts in Counseling program is accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Programs (CACREP).


...是bwin体育最受欢迎的专业,这是有充分理由的:  100% 大多数工程专业的学生在毕业6个月后找到了工作或正在读研. 

Over 75%

本科生参加实习, 研究或某种类型的应用学习活动在bwin体育. The classroom learning and hands-on activities help students hit the ground running at graduation.

Jerusalem and Scotland

The Department of Biblical Studies offers opportunities to study abroad at Jerusalem University College.


在最近对化学专业毕业生的抽样调查中, 83% were able to work in an internship or research experience during college years, and 100% had employment in their field or were accepted into graduate school within three months of graduation.


bwin体育bwin体育最近入选了bwin体育的世界大学排名 top value counseling master’s degrees in Pennsylvania

Faculty Spotlight

Geneva College M.A. in Counseling Professor James K. Matta Sr., Ed.D., NCC, LPChas been named the PCA Lifetime Achievement Award from Pennsylvania Counseling Association (PCA).

Dr. Eric Miller

Professor of History Dr. Eric Miller received  Christianity Today历史/传记图书奖,以表彰他的工作,  《散落时光中的希望:克里斯托弗·拉希的一生 (Eerdmans). Dr. Miller also published 另一片土地的一瞥:政治希望,精神渴望 (Cascade Books, 2012).

bwin体育bwin体育的大四学生比例更高  faculty than most U.S. colleges, with 45 percent being full professors compared to the national average of 25 percent, and 36 percent being associate professors compared to the national average of 21 percent.

Of Geneva's 80 full-time  faculty members, over 80 percent have earned doctorates and more than 3/4 have work experience in their field of expertise.

Professor of Leadership Studies John W. Stanko published What Would Jesus Ask You Today? (Gazelle Press, 2014).

肖恩·多伊尔,历史与人文学科副教授, published the chapter 先知的训诫或神的卓越:拉莫汉罗伊与. 约书亚·马什曼谈耶稣的重要性 in Expect Great Things, Attempt Great Things (Wipf and Stock, 2013).

Dr. James Matta

Dr. 詹姆斯·马塔,心理咨询副教授, was elected the President of the American Association of the State of Counseling Boards (AASCB), 由全国协会机构负责注册, licensure and certification of counselors. 作为这个重要组织的主席. Matta的目标是找到支持美国各地执照委员会的方法.S., and to lend expertise to impact and influence national policy for professional counselors.

Tony Sadar

Dr. 我是生物系的安东尼·萨达尔 定期在技术期刊上发表有关环境问题的文章 Pollution Engineering and in popular press such as The Washington Times and The Washington Examiner. His book In Global Warming We Trust: Too Big To Fail 第二次印刷(Stairway出版社,2002年和2016年).

Pianist Sha Wang Luangkesorn enjoys a career as an active concert pianist, professor of music, as well as a scholar in music theory. At the age of 19, Ms. Wang became the winner of the 16th International Young Artist Piano Competition, Washington, D.C.

Dr. 米歇尔·尼科尔斯,组织领导力教授, was named an Urban Hero by Pittsburgh's Center for Urban Biblical Ministry (CUBM).

Dr. Curtis Songer

Associate Professor of Business, Curtis E. Songer 是匹兹堡和底特律都会区的听众中很受欢迎的演讲者. 他定期演讲的主题包括:冲突 & Stress Management; Transitioning from the Corporate World to Entrepreneurship; Growth Strategies for Entrepreneurs; Vocational Selection, Career Planning, and Job Transition Management; and others.

Dr. Millie Johnson

Dr. Mildred Johnson, leads Geneva’s Criminal Justice Program with an emphasis on restorative justice with a solid mix of theory and practical background including being a Pittsburgh Bureau of Police Sergeant, Police Academy Director and Instructor, 警察牧师,有领导学博士学位.

约翰·斯坦,数学和天文学教授, presented bwin体育bwin体育的谢弗纪念天文台 在第34届宾夕法尼亚天文学联合会会议上.

Rodney C. Austin, Associate Professor of Chemistry, presented the paper Impact of POGIL Instruction on a Two-semester Biochemistry Course at Geneva College, 研究小组练习如何提高学生的学习能力, 两年一次的化学教育会议.

Mark Godwin

Director of Bands, 马克·戈德温跟随特里·斯蒂尔学习萨克斯和单簧管, 与不同的乐团一起表演和录音, including the SRU Jazz Ensemble I, which toured Europe in 2006, 在蒙特勒爵士音乐节上表演, Switzerland, and the North Sea Jazz Festival in Rotterdam, Holland.

John W. Stahl教授是化学、数学和物理系主任, presented 惰性气体在活性炭柱中的扩散行为 在美国化学工程师学会(AIChE)全国会议上. The work was co-authored with Dr. Mario Oyander, associate professor of Engineering, along with Geneva students Nathaniel Godfrey and Samuel Shouse as part of their senior engineering design projects.

Dr. Esther Meek

Professor of Philosophy Esther Meek 出版了四本书,最新的是 《知识小手册》(Eugene, OR: Cascade Press, 2014).It’s been said that, “this book offers an eight-step approach that begins with love and pledge and ends with communion and shalom.”

Jonathan Impellizzeri

Jonathan Impellizzeri,心理咨询助理教授, presented The Integration of Christian Faith Into Clinical Supervision: Exploring Supervisee Perspectives 在基督教心理研究协会国际会议上.

Byron G. Curtis, M.Div., Ph.D., professor of Biblical Studies, presented 《bwin体育》第6章中的弥赛亚和弥赛亚:王冠、宝座和Zemah as an invited guest lecturer at the Caspari Center for Biblical and Judaic Studies in Jerusalem.

Joel Ward

Communication’s Dr. Joel Ward has contributed to multiple scholarly works, including “The Pietistic Institution: A Problem of Organizational Identity” in Whole and Holy Persons: A Pietist Approach to Higher Education edited by Ed. 克里斯·格尔兹,韦斯蒙特:校际出版社出版.

Dr. 乔纳森·瓦特,基督教事工圣经部主席 & Philosophy Department, was part of a group of historians, 语言学者和神学家创造了圣经的新版本, known as the Modern English Version (MEV), for the Queen of England and presented it on the 400th anniversary of the publication of the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible. MEV的目的是作为一个可读的翻译的KJV在现代白话.

Adel G. Aiken, chair of the Education Department, presented Virtues in Children's Literature to the Beaver County Reading Council.

Drs. Curtis, Watt and Shidemantle

Bible Department professors Dr. Byron Curtis, Dr. Scott Shidemantle & Dr. Jonathan Watt teach an Archaeology and Geography of Israel course and then lead a follow-up trip to Israel, bringing the course to life. 学生亲眼看到耶稣走过和教导的一些地方, 探索重要的地理和考古遗址.